

... to all my friends and family -- yes, that includes you.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and the beginning of a 4-day holiday weekend. I truly hope  you have a wonderful day, considering all the blessings Heavenly Father has given you and yours. I know I'm very grateful for my family, my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. I'm also thankful for my mom and dad, my sisters and brother, and their families. They are all special to me, even though I don't get to see them very often. I'm grateful for Heavenly Father's plan for us, that we can be an eternal family. In my mind, heaven wouldn't be heaven without all of them there with me -- assuming I make it, lol.

Today I finished reading a novel for review. It was horrible. I won't go into detail, but lets just say the writer needs a lot of help. I'm not saying this to be critical, I'm sure someone could criticize my writing too. But his grammar, syntax, and punctuation were horrible, and his story line was hidden behind many info-dumps, over done descriptions, and cliche's. His story didn't even begin until about chapter 4. The first chapters were all info-dump, descriptions of the setting, etc.

I only mention this because as I know you all want to be authors, I urge you to get some professional editor or a good critique group before exposing it to the world. It took me nearly 25 years to get Bridgetown High right, and I still get criticized for some of the characters' dialogs. Well, I've mentioned that before, that some of the characters, to be true to the their personalities, their speech patterns were crude. Face it, a high school drop out probably doesn't speak as fluently as a college professor.

I hope, Steven Welch, author of this next review comment, won't mind my using his words to illustrate my point:
"I attended high school in Crockett with the Author, and while this is fiction he leaves you with the feeling that perhaps it may not be. The book is hard to put down, the characters are interesting, and Paul provides enough background to bring the 1960's community of Crockett and Rodeo to life. I enjoyed the way Paul included many of the characteristics unique to the community but still not difficult for someone who's unfamiliar with the area to imagine. He brought back memories of the fog drifting on the bay, the emergency and noon whistles, the C&H Sugar factory, The Dog House, and the well traveled road between Crockett and Rodeo. Let's hope we hear more from Paul about Bridgetown and perhaps other stories he has to offer."

Anyway, I'm sure you've heard about the sale I'm running for Bridgetown High. It's FREE until Saturday. So, if you haven't got a copy of Bridgetown High yet, Go to Amazon and get it at https://www.amazon.com/Bridgetown-High-Paul-W-West/product-reviews/1680583093/ref=cm_cr_dp_synop/156-3883310-2205657?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&sortBy=recent#R2USXC6G2G8RJW. When you do, after you're read it, I hope  you'll find it in your heart to write a short review. Then we'll all have something to be "Thankful" for; you for getting my book, and me for the satisfaction that someone is interested in it.
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About Paul West

Paul West is a freelance writer and novelist. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Paul claims to be a "Prune Picker," though he now makes his home in Taylorsville, Utah.

You can follower him on Twitter: @PaulWWest

Published: Wednesday, November 23, 2016

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