Finally, I've finished the goal I set for myself to be finished editing SWEET REVENGE by the end of the year (2008). Now begins the arduous task of finding an agent. Wish me luck. My queries haven't attracted much attention in the past, so here's hoping for the future! I probably need to find a new name for the book.
On a personal note: My daughter and her husband and 3 kids are visiting for the week. The live in Nebraska and had to brave the huge snow storm we had on Monday to get here. My stomach was tied in knots all day.
On Tuesday night, my wife and had got the opportunity of having the two oldest ones, Andrew and Emma, spend the night with us. Andrew was excited to have an overnighter with grandma and grandpa, but I'm not so sure about Emma. She's almost 2, so it was probably more difficult for her, but she handled it well.
Well, that night, I had to go out and shovel the snow off our driveway and sidewalks. Little Andrew asked, "Can I help, Grandpa?" keep in mind he's only 4. I told him that would be fine and after bundling him up, I handed him a light weight, plastic shovel he could use. I was amazed at how well he worked. He's strong for a 4-year-old. He picked up some pretty large chunks of snow and plopped them onto the piles of snow along-side our driveway (well almost). After a while, I could see he was shivering, and some snow had fallen into his jacket sleeve. So, I asked him if he wanted to go back inside and warm up. He said, "No, Grandpa. I want to be with you, Grandpa." I about cried, I was so touched. Later, I said he could have a cookie, even though his mother had told him he couldn't because he hadn't eaten his dinner (he's a lousy eater). He was thrilled, and after putting Emma down for the night -- singing and rocking her to sleep (I love doing that), I went downstairs with Andrew and watched Kung Fu Panda with him. We didn't get too far into the movie before he first climbed up on my lap and cuddled close, then a few minutes later, moved to the couch beside me and laid his head on my lap. Soon he was asleep. So, I carried him upstairs and put him to bed. It was such a touching evening. I'm a real sap for my grandkids. Can you tell?
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