I guess Candace is the only one who’s going to respond to my last week’s question. That’s okay. I know religion is difficult for some to discuss calmly.
Candace has it right, however. Jesus does have a body of flesh and bones. Recall how He said to his disciples after His resurrection, “a spirit hath not flesh and bone as ye see me have” (again, I have to apologize that I don’t have my scriptures in front of me to give you the proper citation).
Joseph Smith confirmed that when praying in the Sacred Grove near his homestead, two glorious beings appeared to him, one pointing to the other, “This is my beloved son. Hear him.” Joseph saw the Father and the Son. They both had tangible bodies of flesh and bone, and we will too when we are resurrected someday.
Thank you Candace.
Okay, now for the fun stuff. I started writing this part earlier this morning, but a computer glitch wiped out my file. So here goes again.
G. Parker, I think her name is Gaynell, tagged me last week, and now I need to tag some other people. I hope they haven’t been tagged, already, but here’s my list:
1. Basic Guy - I know his name, but not sure he want’s it known, but he’s written a novel too.
2. Ann Bradshaw - I read her YA novel some time ago - can’t recall the name, but it was fun.
3. Bhaswati - she’s a writer living in India. You should see some of the art on her blog site
4. Candice E. Selima
5. Rebecca Talley
6. Tristi Pinkston - I just finished reading her first novel NOTHING TO REGRET (excellent I might add).
7. Cherie Chassaing - she’s my baby sister. She’s trying to sell real estate in Penn Valley, California.
All of their tags are listed on my sidebar.
If you are part of the above, and haven’t been tagged yet, then you need to follow up and tag 7 others.
Here’s the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Now, to say something about myself no one ever knew (well I think my sister knows a lot of this):
1) Even though I’ve lived most of my life in Utah, I still consider myself a “prune-picker.” If you don’t know what that means, it’s a person born and raised in California. I was born in Oakland, and raised in a small bay area town called Port Costa. When I was a kid, Port Costa was a fun, kind of Huckle Berry Finn kind of place to grow up. We had a railroad yard, with a round house and railroad shanties where I’d spend a lot of time watching the steam and diesel switch engines push and pull cars around the yard. There were hills with eucalyptus and buckeye trees where it was rumored Black Bart had hidden his treasures. We also had this huge blackberry patch behind some of the houses in town where I used to pick buckets full and my grandmother would make the best blackberry cobbler in the world.
2) My mother attempted to teach me to play the piano, but I could never get past the one hand at a time part. I still can’t coordinate like that. I can type up to 60 words per minute, but that only requires one hand at a time, if you think about it.
3) I attended high school in Crockett, since Port Costa isn’t big enough. I made a lot of good friends there that I haven’t seen since graduation, and I miss. When I got there, I signed up for band. I figured I could play a wind instrument and still make good music but without having to use both hands at the same time. Mr. Wigell, our band director, started me out on the French horn. I grew to love it and played it through my junior college days, where I was first chair in the Diablo Valley College orchestra. I also played the trumpet and saxophone, because really, can you see someone carrying a (at that time) $2,000 instrument around on the football field during marching band or pep rallies?
4) I began writing when I was in highschool. Even though I didn’t get the best grades in English, my teacher saw some kind of a raw talent in me and encouraged me to write. One of my professors in college did the same, but it wasn’t until around 1986 that I seriously started writing fiction. My novel, now called SWEET REVENGE, has gone through tons of revisions since then, and is almost finished, looking nothing like the original story. I’ve also begun a mid-grade novel title GERTA!!! (capitalization and exclamation points are intended as part of the title).
5) I served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam war. I was fortunate, however, that I was assigned to serve 3 years in Germany. I loved it there, and toured most of Europe. My wife and I hope to tour there next year.
6) My wife, Brenda, is from Rhode Island. We met at BYU (Brigham Young University) and were married in the Oakland Temple in 1975 (does that date me?). She is the greatest thing that ever happened to me – the love of my life.
7) We have four of the most wonderful kids anyone could hope for, and so far, two of them have given us four (soon to be six) of the most wonderful grandchildren ever.
Okay, that’s probably enough. Now, I just gotta notify everyone.
Thanks for tagging me, Paul, and for the compliments on my book. I'll get on this tonight.
ReplyDeleteHey Big Brother! Thanks for tagging me... I'm blogging illiterate, so bear with me while I figure out how to tag others!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Tristi. I'm looking forward to reading your comments.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Cherie. You need to have a blog site set up. What happened to the one you had? I thought you had one. It's a great advertising tool. I want to read yours too.
Ah. Cherie, I just found it. I couldn't find it earlier. Sorry.