I hope everyone is well and busy writing in your spare time -- which is most everyone's desire. I believe everyone has a book or two in them. I proved it by writing Bridgetown High.
I love this review by Josie Melendez on posted on December 3, 2015
She gave me 5 stars, and I like what she said about me and my writing:

"It is hard to believe that this book is this author’s debut novel. I have to say the author’s note referencing that the setting behind this story takes place in the mid-1960’s, had me nervous going in. However, I have to be honest, the way this author wrote this story I didn’t feel lost or unaware of the surroundings within. The start to this story nearly broke my heart. AND THAT WAS ONLY THE FIRST PAGE! After that I knew I would not be able to put this book down. The story is told in multiple POV’s which I happened to enjoy a great deal.
"I do not want to say much or give anything away because this one needs to be read going in blindly. I will say, once I got to that Aha moment I was floored. I really enjoyed how the author used words, landmarks and life events to describe a setting or scene so that I really could imagine how it was in the 60’s. I can tell that this author researched a lot and put a lot of effort into this book. The conversations and language used in the book is how I would have expected it to be like in the 60’s. Like the close family unit, people’s view points on the Vietnam War and music.
"Mark’s pain, anguish, grief, rage and guilt over the loss of his parents and sister is felt on every page. I can’t imagine losing my family in such a tragic way, but his author was able to have me emotionally connect so much that I felt like I was there with him sharing his pain. Mark’s need for revenge of the person responsible for their death was palpable. The three characters that surround this book were very well developed. Mark, Gina and Jeff each have a story to tell and their lives are connected in some way. As the year unfolds secrets, manipulation and danger will follow the lives of these 3 teenagers.
"I got more than what I imagined I would have when I started this book. The drama and angst level was over the top. If you love a book that has drama, action, suspense, jealously and fast cars then this is your book. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what this author brings us next."
Isn't that a great review?
Now, guess what?
I'M EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE that my publisher, Limitless Publishing, and I are going to do another Blog Tour for Bridgetown High. Along with the tour, we're going to give away some electronic versions of the book. Keep posted as I haven't set it up yet, but will soon and want to be able to let you know. Maybe you can join in the tour and gain some publicity as well.
So, until next week, as always, if you like this blog, please "Share" and "Like"it on Facebook , and "Tweet" it on Twitter. Then PLEASE, take five minutes to write a short review of "Bridgetown High" and post it on my correct author page at Amazon.