Well, it's been about two weeks now and no word from my (hopeful) publisher. For my faithful followers (all 1 or 2 of you), I say hang in there. The Submissions say to give them four weeks.
OK, in the meantime, I'm not letting grass grow under my feet. I've sent out 5 or 6 query letters to agents, and looking into all the latest marketing methods to sell my novel (BRIDGETOWN HIGH) when it ever gets published.
Wow, there are a ton of methods. Some carry a minimal cost, but most are free, just take up some time and imagination. I think I have a good plan (and this blog is part of that plan). I just need a published novel.
I know. Some of you are going to say, "why don't you self publish?"
I've considered that, but for a first novel, I don't see that as a viable alternative.
Just wish me luck, or better pray for me.