Hey everyone,
I just thought of an idea to generate interest in my completed, but as yet unpublished novel. As all my faithful followers (all 1 or 2 of you) know, it's a young adult suspense novel, set in the mid-1960s. So, I'm thinking that maybe, if I post enough about it here, someone will get interested, and just maybe even an agent or editor will stumble on this site and want to know more (you think?).
Anyway, over the next while (time-frame yet to be determined) I'm going to post trivia questions about the 1960s and see if anyone wants to respond with an answer to the questions. I'm sure I'll have a lot of takers, so come one come all. Join the fun.
Sorry, but no prizes at this juncture. Just fun reminiscing.
So, my first question is this:
What is a 409?