This question recently came up on an on-line writing forum. Should we use the "F-word" in young adult or younger literature? A lot of people said, in effect, that using it just made their works "sound" realistic, and not using it would sound fake.
How about we look at this issue from a moral view point? Aren't most writers adults, many of us writing for teens and children? Shouldn't we then be held to a higher standard than the kids to whom we're writing?
I know kids hear this kind of language all the time. It's nothing new to them. My own kids use to come home from school and had to wash their ears out every day. Still, should we condone that kind of language by emulating it? By including it in our writing, I think we are in effect endorsing it as acceptable.
I think we, as adults, need to set the better example. There are ways around using vulgarity and the infamous "F-word."
In my own novel, I've written about some pretty tough characters who use vulgarity in nearly every sentence, yet you never see the actual words. They are alluded to, but not written, and I do not think it hurts the flow or flavor of my novel. Simply saying, "so-and-so swore," then adding the rest of what he says, gives the readers the understanding that the kid in the story said a bad word or two. The reader can supply the words in his/her own mind without having to actually read the offending word.
I know of many writers who have used this technique quite successfully. Writers like Orson Scott Card, Dean Hughes, and others. I know, for me, I hate having to weed out those offending words as I read a novel, especially if the novel is written primarily for my own children to read.
Don't get me wrong, I do not read my kids books to censor them, but at the same time I don't want to read them as I read a YA novel. I also don't think we adults should write things we wouldn't be proud of having our children read either. We are adults. We should be the examples of a better, moral way of living, not sink to the level of degenerates.
I've also heard the argument that some authors think they need to use fowl language for its shock value. Personally, I feel that is a cheap and lazy way of achieving shock. To truly achieve shock, it should come through the actions and "real" dialog, not cheap tricks.
Let's clean up our acts first, then maybe our children will follow our examples.
Hey, I hope it's okay that I comment. I saw a link to your blog on and decided to check it out. Anyway, I really appreciate your thoughts on this subject. Like you, when writing YA novels or women's fiction (which is what I usually concentrate on) I find that it doesn't stop the flow by just alluding to swearing rather than using the actual words. Also, besides some of the LDS authors that manage to avoid profanity, there are great non-LDS authors who do as well (except for maybe the "D" word here and there) such as J.K Rowling and Christopher Paolini, who was a teenager himself when he wrote his best selling novels. Good for you for standing your ground.
ReplyDeleteI hope you read this.
I want to thank you so much for commenting. I didn't notice this until just today, July 13 (wow, Friday the 13th - just realized that - LOL).
I recently read "Enders Game," by Orson Scott Card. In case you're not aware, he's a popular LDS writer. I was very disappointed in seeing him include what I would call inapproriate words (cuss and swear words) in his book. I thought they were totally unnecessary.